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loan modification
11/15/2010 6:54 PM (PST)
I would like to know if US natioal legal solutions is a lgitamate business.
11/17/2010 8:00 AM (PST)
There's been three complaints against them for loan modification transactiosn, and at least two of the complaints were of a serious nature - regarding non-performace and lack of communication. They have an "F" Rating with the BBB, click "View BBB Report" above for details. You can also click on "View Reviews" to see reviews posted about them and links to other questions and answers that have already been posted regarding this business.
Have you tried calling a HUD-approved nonprofit housing counselor? You can speak with a certified counselor by calling 888-995-4673. They can evaluate your housing options, open lines of communication with mortgage lenders, negotiate a loan modification, and help you with household budgeting, all at no cost.
The California Attorney General's press release on "forensic loan audits" is posted here on TrustLink under New Scams.
For more info on loan modification, check out the LABBB's Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=177783022194
Specifically, check out the "Notes" on various loan mod topics and info that can apply to homeowners anywhere.
Also, check out the "loan modification" tagged questions here on this forum.
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