jeff b.'s review of American Home Movers

American Home Movers

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/25/2012
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I’ve never had to write something like this. In the last 25 years I've moved across the country at least 1/2 dozen times from MN to KS to Buffalo NY to TX and have never had an experience as bad as using American Home Movers. I should have expected this when they showed up on July 15th 2012 in a dirty plain white truck telling me that they had over booked so could not bring their "regular" truck. During that time, they took all my items wrapped them up and I thought everything was fine INCLUDING the delivery date of the week of August 6th. The reason I make a point of that, (and I told the driver and the company this) was that my 72 year old parents and my three young children would be with me for 3 weeks after that (I'm divorced) starting the week of August 13th to the end of the month. I moved into my new place the beginning of August and called the driver to reconfirm my delivery day of August 6th 2012. He tells me that he didn’t have a good time and/or that they could not make it by then. I called the company and they told me that I needed to work with the driver. As I sat around my place August 6th sleeping on an air mattress, the company continued to tell me that they could not deliver that week. THEY NEVER TOLD ME THIS WHEN THEY PICKED UP MY BOXES AND FURNITURE OVER A MONTH AGO ON JULY 15th 2012. I called them on August 13th to find out when they were delivering and continued to receive excuse after excuse why they can’t deliver. My original driver went on vacation (which they never told me this before) so I could no longer contact him. Then they called with another driver that had no clue how delayed this was. I had none of my items to play with my children. I had none of my kitchen items so we could cook in my home. I had none of my extra cloths so I had to continue with what I had when I traveled here. During this time, both of my 72 year old parents my three young children were at my new home, August 13th 2012 and slept on Air Mattresses with nothing in my home until August 24th 2012. Almost 3 weeks after they original delivery date of the week of August 6th. My family didn’t need this level of stress and sleeping on air mattresses. My dad has had open heart surgeries and multiple stints put in. My mother has back issues, my middle child has had multiple open heart surgeries (He’s only 14) and my youngest needed my kids books and other items for summer school (He has a learning disability). Instead of having everything as I should expect, we slept on Air mattresses. And now my children are heading back next week. My suggestion for anyone thinking of using “American Home Movers”….USE ANYBODY ELSE. Including just U-Haul. You will be much better off.
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