Andrew G.'s review of Archstone Calabasas

Archstone Calabasas

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/1/2009
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Review 12/1/2009
I do not recommend this Archstone Calabasas Property to anyone looking for legal, ethical, or decent treatment by a property management company. They knowingly moved me into an apartment, right next door to two, dangerous, legally insane neighbors. After I figured out what the screaming and constant visits from the ambulance (overdose), and police were about, I asked Logan, to be moved. He said that said that they would reimburse me $50.00 to move (for my moving expenses), and found an apartment right on the busiest street in the area, (Las Virgenes Road. Next, they raised my rent $300.00. After this, I discovered a crack growing from my patio, into my living room. The sliding door could not close due to this foundation crack. Logan offered to have someone spackle the crack on the patio, adding that there is nothing they can do about the bowed living room. Then, they raised my rent again. Now, I asked to have my apartment renovated, (as others had been), to match the remodeled price I was paying for. They said that they could remodel my apartment, with the understanding that I would be out of my apartment for 2 weeks, and Logan said that Archstone Calabasas was under no obligation to compensate me for a hotel to stay in, during the remodel. Due to the stress of the legally insane twins living next door to me, I entered therapy, and ended up self-soothing with drugs an alcohol, and losing my job. This stress, caused by the constant blood curdling screams and obsenities, emotional and physical stress, led me to personal bankruptsy. The insane twins eventually were evicted by swat teams and over 10 police cars, at gunpoint. Logan showed me the picture on his cell phone. My therapist said that she had met the twins on her hospital rounds, and can professionally confirm that they are dangerous, legally insane, paranoid schytsophrenics, and have been committed to the mental hospital, never to be released. As I became increasingly upset with Logan, and the property manager, Alex, they began to terrorize my girlfriend (a single mom), and her son, also living at Archstone Calabasas, Logan threw my girlfriends sons bicycle in the garbage, they told her that she cannot keep the bicycle or anything else for that matter, by her front door, (while most of the neighbors were allowed to keep things by their front doors. Then, after constantly dropping my girlfriend to the bottom of the list for 'Program Apartments', (an 8 year period-keeping her and her son in a one bedroom apartment, with promise of a two bedroom for 8 years), they finally called her to move into a two bedroom apartment. Immediately following this, (within a week), they put a note on my girlfriends door, (single mom on welfare, with a son just after surgery), that she was being asked to leave Archstone Calabasas within a 60 day window. I helped my then pregnant girlfriend pack up and move out with her son in a full-leg cast, and bed-ridden, and helped them find and move into another apartment. We lost the baby, suffering a miscarriage. The doctor sad that the emotional and physical stress from being forced to move and lift boxes up and down steps was the cause. Logan, Alex, and Alice (in charge of the 'Program Apartments-Low Income'), should not be allowed to work in the customer service industry ever again. I pray for someone to bring justice to this poorly mismanaged Rental Property. I will never forget the terrorizing, victimization, stress, and loss of our baby. This property is run like the mafia. They do with you, whatever they want to.
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