andrea c.'s review of Basic Car Rental

Basic Car Rental

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/25/2012
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HELL!!! Complete and TOTAL HELL!!! BEWARE!!!
BUYER BEWARE! DANGEROUS PREDATORS! LEGALLY I've had to REMAIN QUIET until NOW What they have done to me is Cruel, ILLEGAL, AND WRONG! They COST ME OVER $25,000.00 In fraudulent charges, attorney fees, private investigator, court fines! BASIC CAR RENTAL, Basic Car Leasing, Basic Car Sales,, WEST LOS ANGELES, HOLLYWOOD, MID WILSHIRE, SANTA MONICA, LAX, 920 South. La Brea Ave., 10687 santa monica blvd., 1819 Cahuenga Blvd., 310-446-9964, 323-463-9999, 323-936-4446, 310-446-1844, 877-702-2742 Employees, Eric E Vahid, Byron, Boko, "al" perez, MOST DESPICABLE, IMMORAL, CORRUPT, Dishonest, arrogant, UNPROFESSIONAL NASTY GROUP OF SCAMMING LIARS!!! 05/31/08 Rented a Vehicle $249 WEEKLY, $1,150 30 DAY (including insurance) at Basic Care Rentals from Byron at 10687 santa monica blvd. Basic Car Rental authorized my credit card for $1,000 as I was renting vehicle for 3 to 4 weeks. The only car they had available had a cracked windshield I was told I could exchange it following day when they got more of their cars back in stock. They did not have any vehicles for me to exchange. The 3rd day I had to have it towed (I PAID FOR) to their office on santa monica blvd because the car broke down and check engine light was on. They did still did not have a vehicle for me to exchange. So I had No Car until 5pm the following day when did they finally transferred to that location for me. That night that vehicle Had a Tire Blow-Out On the 405 They had no Road-side assistance available so I USED MINE AGAIN! Had Vehicle tire changed. Two Days of driving on a "donut spare" and no response from them via phone or are they in their office, I have to buy a tire myself I cant drive over 45mph and I am going to San Diego. Over the next 10 days I had to call let them know of other little quirks that were failing with the vehicle that I was paying to fix (tail light bulb etc.) to confirm it would be deducted from rental when I returned it. I would have to call all three locations and or text two different managers to get a hold of anyone and when I finally did they were very "casual" "don't worry about it" attitude. June 16th, (17th day I had the pre-paid for 30day rental for) I get a extremely rude message from "byron" who I rented from saying "the car is reported stolen and it needs to be returned immediately and the police will be looking for meand the car!" No explanation why... So I'm freaking out! I do not know what is going on! No one is answering their phones at any locations I Left several messages on all the answering machines, I sent several texts to Main Manager Eric Vahid and La Brea Manager "Al Perez"(fake name it turns out) I am terrified to drive the car to them as I don't want to get in any sort of trouble. Two hours go by of pure panic for me and NO CALL FROM THEM- I have my friend follow me to a hotel parking lot about a mile from their location where I park the car leave the key under the mat and again left messages at all locations and text both managers with location of car and key and TO PLEASE CALL ME! No CALL FROM THEM AT ALL. June 17th (THE Next day) drove by where I left the car it was gone, and the Next Two Days continued calling and texting all "basic car rental" not one response from anyone. June 19th I called my credit card company and confirmed that basic car rental charged and was paid $1,150 on June 19,2008. I feel some relief as it seems to me everything is fine and they picked up car and they were paid. ( total length of rental was only 20 days so should of been somewhere around $760,I didn't really care at that point- just happy they got their car and got paid) MID AUGUST I AM GOING OVER MY CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS Below are the FIGURES AND BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS of FRAUD, GRIEF AND HOW THEY COMPLETELY RIPPED ME OFF! "BASIC CAR RENTAL" 5/31 $1,000.00 (THEY KEPT CC. AUTHORIZATION TO A CHARGE) 6/17 (BASIC RENTAL ASSOCIATE WENT AND PICKED UP THE VEHICLE FROM LOCATION I TOLD THEM) $3,800.00 (I PAID 3,800 TO PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR TO CONFIRM) 6/18 BASIC CAR RENTAL REPORTED ME AS DELINQUENT ACCOUNT TO EQUIFAX, TRANS ETC.) 6/19 $1,150.00 (CHARGED MY CC AS RENTAL CHARGE ) 7/15 FILED STOLEN VEHICLE CHARGES ON ME W.LA COURTHOUSE. 7/17 $6,000.00 (CHARGED MY CC FOR A "STOLEN" VEHICLE) (at $6,000= 157 days rental > its about 47 days from 5/31) 8/28 FILED STOLEN VEHICLE CHARGES ON ME SANTA MONICA COURTHOUSE. $6,500.00 ATTORNEY FOR NEXT 9 MONTHS $2,800.00 PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR TO FIND OUT THAT THEY HAD BEEN RENTING OUT THE SUPPOSEDLY"STOLEN" VEHICLE SINCE BEGINNING OF JULY! IT HAD EVEN BEEN IMPOUNDED 2 OCCASIONS- ONCE AT HOLLYWOOD POLICE GARAGE AND "RELEASED" BACK To BASIC CAR RENTAL THEN SOMEWHERE IN O.C. AND BACK TO "BASIC. $3,795.00 Court Fines / Processing fee's ___________________ $25,045.00 GRAND TOTAL!!!! (I'M STILL MAKING PAYMENTS) (MEANWHILE PRE-TRIAL WAS DRAGGING OUT, "AL" AND "BYRON" BOTH LIED ON THE STAND. "ERIC" THEIR MAIN MANAGER WAS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND and conveniently neither ONE OF THEM COULD RECALL ERICS LAST NAME (WHICH I LATER FOUND OUT IS VAHID I AM Innocent Victim and I'm out of time and Money! Even though I HAVE ORIGINAL CONTRACT, ALL MY CC BILLS AND CELLULAR BILLS CONFIRMING ALL MY CALLS AND TEXTS TO AND FROM THEM, KNOWLEDGE THEY HAD THE VEHICLE THE WHOLE TIME AND HAD BEEN RENTING IT OUT THE ENTIRE TIME, TO GET SUBPENA and Pay to get them "served" to an actual person at Basic for the receipts, and to have Main Witness (Eric Vahid) Served IS a LOT of Money! (and "hints" had been made that they don't keep the "rental agreements" at their office locations because EVERYDAY the contracts go to some other "place" for filing so obviously I'd never get them) I WOULD HAVE TO GO TO TRIAL. $15,000.00 TRIAL ATTORNEY (down payment to take it to trial) :( I HAD TO TAKE A PLEA... I WANT JUSTICE! OH AND MY MONEY THEY STOLE FROM ME!
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