Nathan B.'s review of Bridges To Recovery, Inc.

Bridges To Recovery, Inc.

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449 Recovery, Inc.
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/15/2025
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I was failed from start to finish
Before you spend your time and money consider that they will not offer a refund and do not believe in what they do enough to stand behind their work. Sara Beth and Lindsey will do all they can to get you to sign up for the 4 week program and get more of your money. They will be persistent in this even though the program is not a one-size-fits-all and unfortunately the only way to know if it will work for you is to “try a sample size” (Kelly Frost) which is the full cost. There are other programs that offer a similar, if not same experience, but have the confidence to stand behind their work by their success rate or returning the difference if the program is not effective for them. The therapist staff (non-clinical staff without a PsyD, DO or MD and diagnosis is outside their scope of practice) offer the behaviors consistent with their pre-Bridge stories. Being passive aggressive, critical, rude, domineering and oblivious to how her actions effect others were all described by her as behaviors of her mother that she saw as her personal trauma (Julie). Unfortunately Lindsey does not really care about her clients and choose to convince you (gas lighting) not to trust yourself rather than listen to you or address the problem. Therapists change every other day due to lack of staffing and planning which is incredibly difficult for individuals with trauma as the need to develop trust over time and consistency is crucial. Another therapist, Rachel, is just as accusatory, uses ghoulish exaggeration to prove her point of view, uses absolute and extremes and disparages clients with other staff but gets angry if clients offer any negative statements about staff interactions, even when witnessed. The bridge is not equipped to treat anything beyond mild trauma and is in the words of those in the later phases of the program, “trauma camp”. If you are suffering and have made a suicide attempt in the past they will prostrate you and encourage other clients to criticize you for having done so. The staff seem to have little to no experience with nonclinical levels of depression and wait days before addressing what they say is a concern over screening scores. This is in the clinical setting a delay of care but in this residential setting they claim it is “good care”. Unfortunately even if you express your wish to live, have no ideation and have no plan, they will still wake you in the night (2200 to 0235) and force you to be evaluated by clinical staff in Bowling Green. Even after being cleared by actual clinicians, the gross generalizations and misinformation/lying by staff including the CEO Antwon will continue for the forty minute van ride back to the facility. Having a different experience than him or not agreeing with his negative statements will get you more criticism and additional gross generalizations. I was offered discharge instructions for a program that does not even exist. The new CEO Sabyn Mayfield is continuing the tradition of recrimination, passive aggressive behavior, misleading and deceitful behavior. He claims to want to resolve your experience but only offers recrimination and self righteously meddles in affairs that do not have anything to do with him. The patronizing behavior was uncalled for and inappropriate. In the end this is a program that once had proprietary properties but with parallel discovery, the significant amount of emerging research into trauma in the last three decades, the boards wish to maintain a 50 year old program without addition or alteration, the hiring of dominantly graduates of the program and fostering an environment that condones only this program’s terminal uniqueness, is now woefully outdated, underequipped and avaricious in comparison to any other option available. I pray no one ever suffers through the program ever again. If you have any questions or want a first hand account call 419.496.7004 or
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