Brenda B.'s review of Cellulean


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/7/2008
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Review 7/7/2008
This company is very deceptive in practices, and they do not practice their own policies displayed on their website. The logo in the upper right hand corner, 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, with a policy of returning the product in full (or any unused portion) within 30 days is a lie. Their claim in the middle of their home page "ORDER RISK FREE" is a lie! I had no intentions of continuing after the trial offer, as I saw no results or anything of value to make me want to pay $69.95 to continue purchasing. When they sent the 2nd order, which I did not request...I ordered "TRIAL OFFER ONLY"...I returend it to them as "refused delivery," box unopened, product undisturbed, in perfect condition, and they refused to refund my credit card. It is now 3 months after the fact, and they still refuse to return my money. I begrudgingly agreed to allow them to reship this useless product, as my credit card company can not do any more with this dispute. The merchant still refuses to comply with consumer/merchant laws. Furthermore, they are an UNLICENSED COMPANY IN BREA, CALIFORNIA. As of today, July 7, 2008. I spoke with the Business License Division of the City of Brea, and they confirmed this information. The company MWT, INC. is nowhere in their system, and there is different company at the 2881 Saturn, Suite D; Brea, CA, address since February of 2006, that company being "Plenty & Company," an interior design company owned by Flora Huang. The Business License office of Brea, CA, also has no listing for, as ever having existed in their system. I confirmed this information, as well. Call for yourself at 714-990-7686 if you doubt my findings. The only legitimate listing you will find is with the Better Business Bureau, who gives this so-called company an "F" rating. The BBB website also confirms that MWT, Inc. is NOT A MEMBER. I feel this comapny is an absolute scam, and I strongly suggest that if you plan to order their TRIAL ORDER ONLY, that you pay for exactly what you receive and then report your credit card number lost or stolen, or simply purchase with an untraceable money order if you don't want to get zapped. MWT, INC., a.k.a., DOES NOT STAND BEHIND THEIR POLIIES ON THEIR WEBSITE. On one hand they are telling you 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed, full refund if unused product (or unused portion) is returned within 30 days. They're also telling you to feel free to "ORDER RISK FREE!" THEN, they turn around and tell you that if you don't call before shipment, then it's non-refundable! SOO..what's the 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed about? RETURN the unused/paritally used portion with 30 days or your money back?? THESE PEOPLE TALK OUT OF BOTH SIDES OF THEIR MOUTHS! My next stop, THE CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE. I've already contacted them to let them know what's going on, I've contacted the Business License Division in Brea, California, who is following up on them, and the Brea Police Department urged me to file a report so that they can have it on file for reference in possible existing/future complaints of CELLULEAN.COM. I GIVE THIS COMPANY A NEGATIVE 10 (-10) on a scale of 1 to 10. If you're going to order from them, just make sure your eyes are wide open. I thought mine were. I know I have a valid complaint, and I know they owe me my money of $69.95. It's not making any difference to them, as they refuse to comply with the law. I suppose that shouldn't be a big surprise, since they aren't a licensed business, anyway. I've been seeing their informercials for a long time, and then the morning talk show, The M&J Show on Fox, had an array of products on one morning in a "Do they work?" format. Cellulean was one of the products, and was given rave reviews. I suppose the TV show didn't do their homework, because they need to be much more responsible when presenting on their show. I believe that MOST people would believe it to be legit if seen in such a forum. BELEIVE ME...IF I COULD GIVE THIS COMPANY ZERO STARS, THAT'S WHAT THEY WOULD'VE GOTTEN. Brenda B. in Las Vegas, NV
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