aj m.'s review of Coastline Products, LLC

Coastline Products, LLC

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 5/24/2010
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Review 5/24/2010
My husband just recently ordered the Smoke Assist for me, I've been smoking since 1992! The first day was incredible! Much better than the Patch... although no trippy dreams like on the patch...It really does work. I'm still smoking tho because the E-Cig doesn't keep a charge but for a few hours. Charging it overnight is the best, but I would suggest they give you 2 Cigs for free... one to use while the other is charging! The taste is like a Vanilla Cigar, pleasant. One problem tho is the filters... they don't last very long at all and they only send you 20 a month for $79 plus $9.99 shipping. They need to send at least 30, one filter a day, especially for $90 a month! When you order Smoke Assist, be aware that they do an auto debit on your account once a month for $90.00 I let them know in an email that my E-Cig wasn't keeping a charge very well and they said they would send me another one, plus a car charger for my inconvenience! That was pretty cool. So now I'll have 2, which should cut me off cigarettes completely! Wish me luck! And same to you if you should decide to give it a try!
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Hours   Phone   (800) 505-7040 Address   2222 Avenue of Stars, Suite 702E
Century City, CA 90067
Website   http://www.smokeassist.com Email   davidp@zencoretabs.com
Contact   David Pourmand Other  
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