Thomas G.'s review of Coffin Case

Coffin Case

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/20/2008
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Review 6/20/2008
I have to report a horrible review for this company.
It is sad to say that when you request a product and the service department tells you you will get your product at a certain time, you would get that product right?
This company wants you to give BACK the product and hand your money back to them instead of taking care of YOU the customer.
I had such a horrible time with the service that takes care of the shipping.
I never got a straight answer for two weeks and by that time I was so frustrated by the fact that the shipping company never wanted to help me but kept telling me they would return my money.
It isnt the company itself it is the shipping company I had the problem with.
The reason the company gets the bad review is that I tried getting Coffin to intercede and they did NOTHING to assist but give lip service me.
After I finally got the product is was damaged.
Well I again got the service department promising me I would get the new unit very soon (within a week).
I instead (a week later) got a handwritten letter threatning me that they wouldnt send a new piece until they got the old one back.
I never did anything but ask for a shipping date which they initially promised me 2-3 days.
And I never got a straight answer for weeks.
ANd I still sit with a damaged unit and a ups ticket that I have to drop off because this company wont pay for pickup service on a damaged unit that was sent to me.
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