James & Sheila P.'s review of Consumer Advocates and Associates

Consumer Advocates and Associates

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 5/14/2015
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5 STARS!! Awesome team.
Hugo, Sam, and all the rest of the team came thru for us!!! I was very very nervous when we started the process. And I bugged them at least 2 to 3 times a week. sometimes DAILY!! They were ALWAYS courteous and helpful. Most of all they calmed my worries and explained everything in detail. Several times! They assured me it would all work out. They walked us thru each step. And when A new item arose they were first to call me and tell me what was happening, and what I needed to do. Hugo, Sam and other helpful staff( Im drawing a blank on her name) would either answer my question on the spot or would tell me Hugo or Sam would get back to me, and they did, usually the same day, or next morning. They also gave us a timeline of how long the whole process would take. And they nailed it almost to the day. Also did follow up calls before, during, and after. I wish we would have found them years ago and could be that much more ahead! It's wonderful to have ONE payment, don't have to worry about property taxes, Insurance...its all in one nice and tidy payment. We have a amazing rate now, and can breath a little. HUGE rock has been lifted and we can see some light at the end of the tunnel. I would and have referred them and will keep doing so! 5 stars in my book! OH...one more thing...they explained to be so well that I understood and could relay the information to my husband and that right there was a BIG BIG bonus, as he works out in the field all day and could not sit in on some calls. Sheila P.
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Hours   Monday - Saturday Phone   (866) 500-3814 Address   3580 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1625
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Website   http://www.consumeradvocatesandassociates.com Email  
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