Javier C.'s review of Creative Custom Design Manufacturing, Inc

Creative Custom Design Manufacturing, Inc

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 3/18/2010
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Review 3/18/2010
Their contracts are misleading and their salespersons are deceitful. They contacted me on Christmas Eve asking if the deposit could be in cash and that they wanted to obtain it before their year-end closing of their books, their behavior is very shady. Agreed that the cabinets would not to be made out of Particle Board (most commonly known); however the contract didn't specify the material for the cabinets themselves only the doors and it stated Melamine and Thermafoil. It turns out Melamine is Particle Board. Once the cabinets were delivered, I confronted the salesperson and the owner which happens to be the Father of the salesperson. All though he agreed that the salesperson for a period of two months mislead me and didn't correct me when I continued talking about Particle Board and never once mentioned that Melamine was the same thing as Particle Board, the owner stated "the company cannot do anything about it because it was not going to lose money on the job". I comment that I kept hearing from the salesperson after the issues came up was "What do you want for the price we gave you". I assure you they do this for a living and go around cheating people; it is by design that they confused their clients. In addition to all this the cabinets have different shades of materials, the doors do not match the cabinet itself and its very noticeable. I went with this company because I thought, well it's not an individual one man company and I will have someone to go to in case there is a problem, but I assure all of you "DO NOT GO WITH THIS COMPANY". They never installed my Microwave and they said they would come back for that, but now they don't pick up the phone and it can't be a coincidence. I stop by the company to see if they went out of business and they were there. I noticed they screen their calls, so if they don't want to help you they just don't answer the phone.
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Hours   Phone   (305) 430-4100 Address   5340 NW 163 St.
Miami, FL 33014
Website   http://www.ccdcabinets.com Email  
Contact   Arturo Rodriquez Other  
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