rainnnking's review of EZ Quit, LLC

EZ Quit, LLC

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Complaint Posted 2/4/2008
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Review 2/4/2008
This firm, E-Z Quit, or John Beck doing business online as/at www.johnbeck.tv, sends UNSOLICITED packets, often by FedEx, to senior citizens, then tries to collect a $14.95 shipping and handling fee, for the return of the unsolicited packet. The “terms” assert that some $39 per month will be charged to the senior citizen’s credit card, ON AN ONGOING, MONTHLY BASIS, if these UNSOLICITED materials are not returned within 30 days.

This practice violates the Uniform Commercial Code and the consumer protection laws, as adopted, and in force, in all 50 states of the United States. I have sent an image of the offendingly bogus “invoice”, as well as a letter rejecting any responsibility for this fraudulent bill to talktous@johnbeck.tv.

I encourage anyone who reads this, and received a similarly-fraudulent solicitation/dunning, to do the same. You are not ever responsibile for anything you DID NOT ORDER, which you receive via mail, or by courier. If you did not order it, you have the absolute right to throw it away. I encourage sending a letter to E-Z Quit, though, as they are likely to try to bill you anyway. The letter will be your evidence that you told them to come pick it up, themselves.

A form of this sort of letter follows:

February 4, 2008

John Beck
Consumer Complaint Department
7030 Hayvenherst Ave.
Returned Goods
Van Nuys, CA 91406


P.O. Box 570,
Van Nuys, CA 91408

Re: Your “Invoice” Number 9XXXXXX

To Whom it May Concern:

Your firm apparently sent an entirely UNSOLICITED packet, by FedEx, to me, a senior citizen, on or about January 25, 2008. I have attached a copy of your purported invoice, as an image file to this e-mail/letter.

I will also send, by ordinary mail, a copy of this letter, and a copy of the purported "invoice", marked “UNSOLICITED – rejected”, to your mailing address.

If you would like to retrieve any of the items you sent UNSOLICITED, please provide us with your FED EX shipping account number within 20 days from today.

If I do not receive this, or some other free means of return to you, of your materials, I WILL DESTROY THEM in 24 days' time. Under the Uniform Commercial Code and the consumer protection laws, as adopted, and in force in all 50 states of the United States, I are not obliged to do anything, including providing for the return of your UNSOLICIED materials. I have sent this letter as a courtesy. I have also notified you of its existence on your blog at wordpress.com -- http://johnbeckforeclosures.wordpress.com. See the image of the offending bogus “invoice" attached -- INVOICE No. 9XXXXXX, ORDER NO. 2XXXXXXXy.

Do not send any additional materials to me. They will be discarded, and any additional attempts to bill for the items, or "shipping and handling charges" will result in a filing with the California Attorney General's Office -- Consumer Fraud Division.

Very Truly Yours,



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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (888) 549-5734 Address   7030 Hayvenhurst Street
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Website   http://www.ezhealthcareproducts.com Email  
Contact   Maria Rodriguez, Customer Service Manager Other  
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