AW's review of Lighthouse Property Management

Lighthouse Property Management

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/4/2011
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Review 8/4/2011
If there was a "0" star rating, I would have put that.

I am never one to complain... even if I don't like the way the place works. I try not to be negative. I can't believe I stuck it out a full year working under this company. In retrospect, they did not care about me at all... I worked so hard, and they didn't care about my efforts OR the people that were moving in to their horrible apartments! I know I am a wonderful worker, and I will stand up for myself like never before because of what LPM has done to bring me down.

I am currently working for an excellent property management company who pays me more, and gives me all of my commissions that I work so hard for! It's not a fortune, but I am constantly recognized for my work and compensated for pouring my heart into what I believe is a great product!

Lighthouse Property Management did not pay me my $400 commission for the time I was still employed with them... claiming that they "do not pay commissions to people who do not work for them anymore". Well, I have a document stating I earned that money WHILE i was working for them, so they can't prove it otherwise.

I could try to file a complaint against them, but I just don't think all of that negative effort and energy would be worth whether I get my $400 back or not. They know how they have treated me and all of their past employees. I hope it gets back around to them, because I truly needed that money. I would have appreciated them not being cowards... and at least calling me back. They cause such unnecessary pain, I am just done with them. I feel sorry for everyone who is tangled up in their deceitful web.
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