Christopher S.'s review of OC Dream Motors

OC Dream Motors

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/21/2010
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Review 8/21/2010
I bought a car from these guys last year.Like many people I really needed a good working car. I did not do any research like I should have and am now kicking myself. I purchased a honda civic 2001 from them and everything seemed perfect. I first test drove the car and when I started it up it was shaking pretty bad for about 5 seconds. It stopped after 5 seconds, so I test drove it a very short distance around the block(literally). When I came back I asked Jeff, the sales man I was dealing with, was it normal for the car to be shaking. He said, "Our mechanics have checked it out and they said there is nothing wrong with it." Me, needing a car very bad, and already being told I could get the car I just didn't think anything else of it. The only other thing that was odd to me was that the front license plate on the car was missing. I asked Jeff about it and he said they would mail it to me in 2 weeks. About 2 weeks after the purchase I noticed my temperature in the engine was running warm, then the next day was over-heating. At the time of purchase they gave me a "30 Day Warranty" which states that if anything on the car needs to be repaired in that time, you pay 50% and the dealer pays 50%. That seemed fair, however the reason the car was overheating was because the head gasket blew. So I have to shell out another $350 for the repair to the dealer. Mind you, I never received an actual receipt from the mechanic. I received the price and a carbon copy receipt that shows I paid $350 for "Repairs" from the dealer. So the car was now fixed.......or so I thought. About the beginning of May my car started acting up again. The engine was running hot again but the temperature gauge was saying it was cool. I took it to my mechanic and had to have the temperature gauge, thermostat, hoses, and belts replaced. It cost me $600. Shortly after getting the car fixed I called Jeff back and asked him about my front plate(after about 4 repeated calls-on separate occasions). He said I can just go to the DMV and pick it up myself. However the DMV does not just work like that and I am not shelling out money that they are supposed to pay. My car was running better than before after that! I was so happy, then 3 days ago, I was driving home from work and my car stalled and shut off. It was a cracked valve in the engine. Total cost around $1300. Total cost to repair was $2300 over a 3 month period. I have been talking to a bunch of other dealerships and I would never recommend this one. All in all, OC Dream Motors has a nice facade, but with their over priced, junk cars, it's more of a Nightmare than a Dream.
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