caring individual's review of Pat Moore Foundation

Pat Moore Foundation

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/4/2013
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The PAT MOORE FOUNDATION DETOX program is NOT the caring & conscientious drug detox/rehab facility it presents as being. When a loved one goes to a detox they expect them to come out clean of taking any drug so they can continue to the next level of a rehabilitation program. Not this place!!! They taper the addict with suboxone and then switch to 40 mg of Valium a day???? and then if you don't have the funds to continue their program they kick the client to the curb still a drug seeker, in fact worse! They do nothing spiritually to address the state of mind of a drug addict while in their10 day program. Their is no doctor on site that the patient interacts with only a 5 minute skype session with a doctor in Kuwait. There is no counseling, no talk therapy, or any human to human contact, other than a case worker that walks around and checks on the sleeping ALL DAY patient and reports that they are doing great!!. They simply drug you up and let you sleep all day opening your eyes long enough for the next round of meds. It's merely a holding tank, there is nothing in the way of counseling to help an addict work through the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of a true detox process. They do not sit down with the family members to whom they are discharging the patient to and provide any type of comprehensive instructions on the continuing meds needed for detox, but instead give the discharge instructions and meds remaining to the drug induced patient and has them sign that they received it, along with verification of a dirty urine test confirmation.. The seriousness of this led to hospitalization the same day of leaving the detox center and could have resulted in death if we had not called the police and ambulance to get them to the hospital FOR REAL MEDICAL DETOX !!!!. At best, Pat Moore is just another one of the many drug rehabs in what has become an industry of unskilled and uncaring holding tanks who are in it only for the money. They don't really care about the spirituality of the individual under their care, or their particular circumstances which have led them to "medical" detox. They want your money, and they will tell you anything you want to hear to get it, and they won't tell you anything you NEED to hear and know to continue a comprehensive medical detox because they didn't provide one.. In 10 days they did not have the patient leave drug free, but rather drugged up and drug seeking and unaware of the medical regimen they desperately NEEDED to be following. What detox gives their patient 40 mg a day of Valium right up to discharge. Sorry, but it's true and its criminal, and they should be investigated for their practices. They are simply switching one addiction for another. What detox center discharges patients without being drug free at least for two full days prior to discharge? Certainly not Pat Moore. So the real question here is what is the point of paying to go to detox with them if they don't have real doctors on sight to administer a true medical detox combined with comprehensive counseling? Staff who doesn't think its odd and concerning that the client is sleeping all day and night are clearly not skilled in their field. Ultimately a whole person approach that achieves a clean and sober human being with a CLEAN urine test at the end of the detox is a reasonable expectation. Detox is meant to help a person get sober, not tranquilize them so they don't have to bother with them or actually spend some time talking to the individual. Detox is the first step in preparing a person to begin the process of becoming mentally, spiritually, and physically capable of undergoing the next phase of a drug rehab program, drug free and thinking clearly…. Isn't that the point of detox? Before you send someone you care about To Pat Moore Foundation...Think, Investigate, Ask Questions, HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE "MEDICAL DETOX" PROGRAM THEY ARE PROFESSING TO OFFER AND DELIVER combined with solid counseling of which there is NONE in detox at Pat Moore.. Be prepared to be mesmerized by their sales pitch and program outline and sincerity, but sift through the language and sincerity. I am sure there are a few people there with good intentions but, "it takes a village". Don't throw your money away ...keep searching! There are places that really administer a true whole person medical detox approach with positive results for the drug addict to continue rehabilitation with a clear mind and spirit, drug free. Our loved one was broken going in and came out even more the point of hospitalization the same day they were discharged. Very serious neglect on Pat Moore's part ,but then they really aren't a medical facility with doctors on the premises, and trained therapists prepared to handle the many kinds of drug dependent individuals who come through their doors. Think, investigate, listen, and choose carefully your loved ones life depends on it.
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