Leonard R.'s review of Perfumes For A Buck

Perfumes For A Buck

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 5/14/2013
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I have received many cologne samples - very happy customer!
I have received many different cologne samples and everything has been delivered as promised. I read some of the other reviews and I'm not sure why or how some of you are so confused? I must admit, if I had read some of the reviews below BEFORE having
joined as a HAPPY customer, I probably would have not ordered. However, luckily for me I got to experience first hand the service and as I said I'm very happy. For anyone reading this review who is deciding on ordering, let me detail my experience. First,
as with ANY website that collects your credit card information - be sure to read everything. In the case of Perfumesforabuck, they are a recurring membership club. This means you will be enrolled as a member when you order - so if this bothers you or you don't
want to be a member, simply don't join. Otherwise, if you want to order their 5 samples for $1, you will also be responsible for at least 1 month of membership which is $12 bucks. In total if you want to get the "best" deal from them, I would say to order
your first 5 for $1, then your next 5 for your first month membership ($12) and then cancel. Or if you are like me and don't really care about the $12/mo, then load up your queue and they will auto ship from your list whenever your membership renews. Seems
pretty straight forward ... If you do want to take advantage of their 5 samples for $1, then you must remain a member for at least a month. I haven't received any unwanted fragrances (although I believe they will select for you if you ask) and I did inquire
about cancelling which I received a response back about 45 minutes later. I personally like these types of membership sites, but even if I didn't I don't know if I would bash them or cry out "fraud" since they are a U.S. company delivering exactly what they
promise. Also, in case of any doubts I offer a simple solution - PRE-PAID CARD! This is a no-brainer and probably a must-have for some of you less tech-savy surfers. Good luck and happy shopping!
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Hours   24/7 Online Phone   (866) 849-9996 Address   P.O. Box 901
Agoura Hills, CA 91376
Website   http://www.PERFUMESFORABUCK.COM Email   info@BlueBerryCorporation.com
Contact   Robert Crankle Other  
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