Happy Dad's review of Sober College Environments, LLC

Sober College Environments, LLC

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 11/3/2011
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Review 11/3/2011
Immediately prior to Sober College, my daughter spent 3 months at another treatment center. They do a very good job doing the first 30 days, and not so good a job in their step down program. I have found quite the opposite at Sober College. When people like Katie, or Sarah would certainly have the opportunity to turn their heads, in a whatever, type attitude, they have been quite interactive with my daughter and have taken her recovery and return to some semblance of life skills quite personally. Just this weekend, my daughter came home to San Diego. On Saturday night, she was driving back to Sober College and blew a tire at 10:30. She called a tow service and was told it would take at least an hour. I told her I was on my way and hustled my way there within an hour to find her stranded a foot away from oncoming traffic and on the phone to Katie, who stayed on the phone with her until I arrived. When I got there, surprisingly, she was quite calm. Trust me, the situation I found her in would have unsettled a sober judge! You can’t imagine how much my wife and I appreciate the commitment, care and simple kindness by Katie giving up a good part of her Saturday night to help my daughter. I get the same kind of prompt and professional courtesy from Sarah and have had the opportunity to interact with Gabbi and Naz, who have been great as well. You have clearly instilled a true spirit of service across the board there. For which, we will always be appreciative, and willing to continue to support sober College with enthusiasm.
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Hours   Admissions For Immediate Assistance call 800-465-0142 Phone   (818) 274-0304 Address   6233 Variel Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Website   http://www.sobercollege.com Email   robert.pfeifer@sobercollege.com
Contact   Robert W. Pfeifer Other  
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