Herbert E.'s review of TigerDirect, Inc.

TigerDirect, Inc.

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Complaint Posted 5/5/2010
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Review 5/5/2010
4/2/2010 At approximately 4:35pm I placed an order with tigerdirect.com for some 8x DVD-R Discs. I realized within a few minutes that I couldn’t afford their price, and that placing this order with them was a mistake.At approximately 4:49pm I called their 1-800-800-8300 number, canceled that order and asked for an email confirmation on my cancellation, they told me that the order had already been sent to their drop shipper. I was told they couldn’t give me an email confirming my cancellation of my order. They said they will let their drop shipper know it had been canceled. They stated that the drop shipper probably wouldn’t get it until Monday, 4/5/2010. They acknowledged my cancellation verbally.At approximately 4:57pm I received an email from Tiger Direct stating order and my order number F1314295.4/5/2010 Monday morning, at approximately 11:00am, I called Tiger Direct again. I asked if the drop shipper had received the cancellation of my order. He said let me check, he then came back on the telephone and said the drop shipper acknowledged receiving the cancellation notice and I replied that was good because I need to use that money for other things. I also asked “this means the order will not be shipped to me?” He replied, “No, it is canceled.”4/7/2010 The DVD’s I had canceled were delivered to my address by UPS; I didn’t check what was in the boxes because I was on my way to a Doctors appointment and didn’t want to be late. When I got home, I checked the boxes, which I had thought contained clothing that I had purchased. Only one of the boxes was clothes and it was a partial order, because they had back ordered the rest of my original order. So I checked the other box and found it to have been shipped to me by Tiger Direct. I went on my computer and checked my bank account and found Tiger Direct had taken out the $180.50 the order was for. I was in shock and I immediately called Tiger Direct and asked why the order was shipped to me and why they took my money. I was told “the drop shipper had made a mistake.” I asked what I had to do now to get my money back because I had used part of that money to buy other things I needed, after I was told that the order had indeed been canceled. They told me “they would have to get a return authorization from their drop shipper so I could send it back to them and then they would return my money to me. Then he said it might take a couple of days.” I begged him to rush it along because if my other automatic bills where withdrawn (my monthly auto insurance, renters insurance and newspaper bills) before they returned my money, I would be overdrawn and charged $33.00 for each one and $6.oo a day till I cleared the delinquency up. I also stated that the only reason I had spent the money I had for that order was because they had confirmed the drop shipper had received the cancellation notice and the product wouldn’t be shipped out. He apologized over and over. He then said he would “contact the drop shipper and when I get the return authorization and return their product to them he would expedite (again) returning my money to me.” I thanked him and we hung up. 4/9/2010 I called Tiger Direct again and asked them if they got the return authorization yet and he apologized several times and then said “No, but he will contact the drop shipper again and get this cleared up.” I said please do because I can not afford to be overdrawn. I thanked him and we hung up. 4/12/2010 I called Tiger Direct again and complained that I haven’t received the authorized return label yet and asked what is going on. Do you treat all your customers this way?He apologized again and said “sometimes it takes a few days.” I said it has already been a few days. He said “that I should get it soon.” I told him I was getting very upset! We hung up.4/13/2010 I called Tiger Direct again and told him this getting to be totally ridiculous that I hadn’t received the authorized return label yet. He apologized again and I asked to speak to a manager and he said okay. A manager came on the phone and I told him my problem. He apologized, said he didn’t understand why this was taking so long and would expedite my getting the authorized return. He also told me that when I received the authorized shipping label and delivered the product to UPS, that I should call them and give them the tracking number, and as soon as they could confirm that it was in UPS’s system, that he would expedite the return of my money to me. I said I sure hoped so, because if it didn’t happen soon, I will be overdrawn at my bank and I would have pay hefty penalties for that. I thanked him and we hung up.4/15/2010 The authorized return label was sent to me by email I printed out and taped it to their box as instructed. It arrived too late for me ship it that day.4/16/2010 I took the product to UPS in Hammond, IN at approximately 1:34pm and got the receipt with the tracking number on it and I went straight home and called Tiger Direct.I spoke with a manager again and gave him the tracking number (1Z1W839V9095752809). He checked and verified that the package was in UPS’s system and out of my hands. He stated that, he personally, would expedite my money to me. I pleaded “Please, please do. I need it badly.” I thanked him and we hung up.My money wasn’t returned to me Saturday or by Monday morning.4/19/2010 I called Tiger Direct again and told them that my money hadn’t been returned yet. They kept apologizing over and over. Then he said, again, that he would expedite the return of my money.4/21/2010 No money yet I called Tiger Direct again and they just they didn’t know what is going on I am getting mad at Tiger Direct over this and I believe that somebody higher up in the corporation isn’t allowing my money to be returned to me. Why? I don’t know. They have their product back (UPS delivered it on 4/20/2010) and I have nothing! I have neither the disks nor my $180.50.4/22/2010 Still no money, I called Tiger Direct again and asked them why I have not received my refund yet. I asked what was going on, and said it made no sense to treat their customer this way. I said $180.50 wasn’t anything to a big corporation like Tiger Direct, but to me that it was almost a matter of survival in this world we have today. I told them I was a senior citizen and a disabled veteran and asked if it made your corporation happy to make old people like me suffer. He said he didn’t know or understand why this was happening. I hung up because I was getting stressed out and that could lead me to another stroke, I had to sit back and relax to relieve the stress. A manager came on the phone and said “ Tiger Direct has a policy to not give refunds until they receive their money back from the drop shipper.” I said “WHAT! You mean they paid the drop shipper for shipping an order that they and Tiger Direct knew was canceled? That is just plain stupid!” (I believe this is collusion, the drop shipper shipping an order they knew was canceled and Tiger Direct taking my money from an order they knew was canceled and paying their drop shipper with money that was taken illegally from me. So the drop shipper was paid for an order they should never have shipped and Tiger Direct is just as guilty for taking my money from me on an order they knew was canceled and then pocketing their share of the money taken from me.) (Maybe it is legal in Florida to steal money from the elderly.)4/23/2010 Approximately 3:40 pm. I called Tiger Direct again, talked to a manager and I demanded an explanation as to why they were keeping my money and not returning it to me, even though they had their product back! He apologized and then another guy came on the phone he said his name was Daniel Miller and he emphatically told me that he would send my money to my bank that evening.I asked if that would be before midnight, he said yes and I said good because I would have my money Saturday morning. Then, he stuttered and said “You know some banks will hold the money for a few days before they put in your account.” I said not my bank they will treat it like a cash transaction and put right into my account. He said that he would send me a confirmation email on what he just said he would do for my records. I said “please do” and we hung up.At 3:52:39pm I received an email from him and found out he didn’t work directly for Tiger Direct, he work for some company named: SYSTEMAX TECHNOLOGY WORLDWIDE. Apparently I was transferred to him without my knowledge and what his company relationship is to Tiger Direct I don’t know. His email stated and I quote - subject: order no. F1314295 – pending refund“I’m sending this for your records. I will have the refund processed here within the next 24 hours. That means it will leave our bank and enter your bank. Your bank may hold the funds for a few business days before depositing it into your account, however every institution is different. Please contact me if you have any questions” on the bottom was his email address and his telephone and extension number – (800) 955–1888 x5365.It is funny how on the phone he stated that he would process the return of my money that evening before midnight and in his email he says he would process the return of my money within the next 24 hours which means he will have to work all day Saturday. I don’t believe he works Saturdays and that he was lying to me also. Time will tell if he is lying.4/26/2010 Still my money hasn’t been returned! I tried calling Daniel Miller but either he checked his caller ID and saw who it was and decided not talk to me and then and anytime I called he would just ignore me. So I left him a message saying that he had either lied to me on purpose or it was inadvertently but either way he lied to me. My money has not been returned to me. must have been right because he never returned my call, I don’t remember if I left my number but it should have been on his caller ID or he could get from Tiger Direct IF he really wanted to call me!4/27/2010 Still my money hasn’t been returned to me. I went to my bank and told them my problem with Tiger Direct and I let her read the email Daniel sent me. She checked and nothing from them had been sent. She also confirmed what they had told me before that when I use my debit card, it is a cash transaction and any return would be treated as a cash transaction and the money would go directly into my account.4/28/2010 I still had not received my refund and I couldn’t believe this has been going on for almost a whole month. My patience was running out. I began hand writing this letter.4/29/2010 No refund received yet. I started typing this letter on my computer. I have decided to email this letter Tiger Direct Corporate Office in Florida to the attention of Abraheim.Al-Mudhi@syx.com from TigerDirect.com and if I get no satisfaction from him, I will email this to the BBB in Florida. I am also considering sending this to the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, and to the ABC, NBC AND CBS news stations in Chicago. 4/30/2010 No refund yet! (This was around 9am). I went to my Bank and gave them copies of this letter, the confirmation email that Tiger direct sent me of my order I placed on 4/2/2010 and a copy of the email that Daniel Miller sent me confirming our conversation of 4/23/2010 Where he promised to process the return my money in 24 hours. (My Bank must have got in touch with Daniel Miller because his company or through him made an attempt to satisfy me by paying me $159.99 of the $180.50 they took from me.) Then approximately between 4 - 5pm, I sent Daniel Miller a copy of this letter. Demanding the return of the $20.51 they deducted with no explanation of why they did that (was this their way of punishing me for giving an order to Tiger Direct and then canceling my order within minutes). I demanded he return the rest of my money but they must have decided they just were not going to do this.I am a Senior Citizen and a disabled Vet. And I live on a limited income and I feel I have done nothing wrong, but believing that Tiger Direct was an honorable corporation. Boy was I ever wrong!Now I have decided to send this letter to the BBB in Florida and hope they can help me get the rest of my money back. I know that $20.51 is not a lot of money but it is enough that I can buy groceries for 2-3 meals. I need it!I do hereby swear that what I have written here is true to the best of my ability. H. E.
Business's response - by Tiger CSon 6/8/2010
We apologize for the inconvenience. The items that were ordered were “drop shipped” items, this means they come from a third party warehouse and shipped from another location. The order was quickly placed and then requested to be cancelled upon you informing us . We did in fact send a “stop shipment” notification, although it did not reach the third party warehouse in time to actually stop the shipment,they had already sent it out. Once again we apologize for the inconvenience, and delay. Once the items are returned back to the drop shipper's warehouse, we have to allow for them to process the return and send us confirmation that everything is in order and ok to issue refund, this is why it was such a lengthy process. If these items were directly from our stock, the “stop shipment” issued the same day and time you called to cancelled would have been more than enough to fully stop the order from shipping. Our records show that the order has been fully refunded for the items, and also the shipping you speak of $20.51 has also been refunded. If you have any more questions or concerns feel free to contact me at : Abraheim.Al-Mudhi@syx.com
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Hours   Phone   (800) 800-8300 Address   7795 W. Flagler St., #35
Miami, FL 33144
Website   http://www.tigerdirect.com Email   rosemary.lindsay@tigerdirect.com
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