Anthony A.'s review of W S R Management

W S R Management

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/18/2010
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Review 4/18/2010
I have been rented from this company for nearly 10 years at 2 different residential locations. The most recent location has had many problems. This weekend is the 2nd time that there have been problems with the Hotwater heater. I reported the problem on friday evening 04/16/2010 at 7pm and a repair person did not arrive until 1pm 04/17/2010. At that time the repair person asked me to hook up the hose to drain the waterheater - He contacted WSR and he told me that I was going to have to wait until WSR got in contact with the "owners" of the house to receive authorization for repairs. The person who was here also disconnected one of the pipes at the top of the water heater (on that had a shutoff valve). The repair person then said that he had to go back to the WSR office and I would hear from Jim Boyd the agent responsible for this property. It is now Sunday 04/18/2010 and the hallway behind that is near the waterheater is completely flooded. Come to find out the pipe the repair guy removed leaks water - In fact everytime the cold water is turned on in the house the pipe leaks even more water. So not only do we not have hot water we have a huge water problem in the halway of the house. - Based on California code the house is considered habitable when the plumbing facilities are in good working order, including hot and cold running water, connected to a sewage disposal system. - at this point the house is not inhabitable - there is no hot water. My family has not taken bath in over 3 days and won't be able to bathe for at least another day.
The last time this happened my family endured 4 days of no hot water.
The agent Jim Boyd told me today that this IS NOT considered an emergency and that I have to wait until Monday for service. They demand payment on the weekends but do not provide proper services on the weekends. Very disappointed in this company and I would recommend that you do not rent a propery from them.
As a renter I feel like I have no rights in this area and I feel like my hands are tied..
Anthony Allen
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