Nadir Y.'s review of Wolfepack Transport

Wolfepack Transport

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 6/24/2011
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Review 6/24/2011
BEST COMPANY IN THE AUTO TRANSPORT INDUSTRY!! - I called WolfePack Transport and they explained how the industry works and what the price needs to be to ship my car. It was higher then the 1st company that I went with but I understood why. They got a truck with in 3 days to pick up my car. I guess paying the right price is the difference between getting your car picked up and not. Just to let you know they did not charge me a single cent until they dispatched a truck to pick up my car, just as they told me. They did explain to me that if they have a driver / truck to pick up my car and I am unavailable they will still be responsible for the deposit/booking fee. As they explained it; "we are a booking agent and the deposit/booking fee is all we get out of the whole price of the transport and once we set it up we have completed our job." I asked them what happens do I pay again and they said that they usually waive the additional booking if the situation was unavoidable. IE. Work, family, etc. They said they will not waive it if I just don't show up at pickup time. I do have to tell you about the 1st company that I went with. The company was called Head of The Pack. I was told all kinds of stories and how I should only trust them. I decided to go ahead and use them and after 6 weeks they never picked up my car. I tried to call them and they never responded. I tried to e-mail them and they never responded. I then remembered the company that they told me was horrible and I decided to call them. That was WolfePack Transport. I guess they were telling me this because WolfePack Transport is the best there is. I assume you always want to put down companies that are better then you! So take my advice call WolfePack Transport you will not be sorry.
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