Philip O.'s review of eBay Inc.

eBay Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 1/28/2012
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EBay Can Be Injurious To Your Health
EBAY, A PARADOXICAL COMPANY STRESSING CUSTOMER PROTECTION YET FAILING UTTERLY IN THAT REGARD! EBay has been faulted for some scurrilous activities regarding customer care and satisfaction. So many have found fault that one wonders how such a disreputable company stays in business. I firmly believe that the States Attorney Generals review eBay practices with a view toward the issuance of indictments against EBay officers and other principals.. Now for my complaint. “ EBAY CAN BE INJURIOUS TO YOUR HEALTH.” I recently purchased two dive computers with wireless receivers. One of me and one for my dive partner. Both models were ten years old. Upon receipt of the diving computers I had both inspected at a local dive shop and it was recommended that all o-rings be replaced given their age. O-rings are a critical part of diver equipment and safety. Old o-rings may look ok but in reality the rubber breaks down over time and if not changed regularly will have disastrous result for the inexperienced diver. PADDI recommends changing o-rings before each dive season and more often if necessary. So, the o-rings were replaced as recommended but the wireless sensor did not work on either dive computer. Hence, one had no way of telling how much airtime was available. Also other components failed to work adequately. Alarms were activated when they need not have. Ascent rates were incorrectly calibrated as were the depth and down times. All critical to safe diving. (One seller was most courteous and apologized for the unit not working correctly and a refund was promptly given. The only plus I can give eBay here). First, the seller said that the unit was from an estate sale but later said they were selling it for a friend. It did not take too much guesswork to figure out that they were drop shippers. I carefully followed all of the recommended procedures. Contacted the seller through EBay, Seller said he/she would not accept the returned unit if it had been tampered with. Incredibly, “tampering” also included the safety procedure of replacing o-rings. The seller stated that I had 7 days to return the item, in this case for inspection. This was immediately complied with. The seller then make the excuse that there was damage to the unit, in this case, surface scratches. Later the seller said that the unit had been tampered with meaning the changing of the o-rings. With-out further comment the seller escalated the case to Customer Support. See email correspondence below: eBay Customer Support will issue a full refund to you when you ship the item back to the seller with tracking and signature confirmation to the address below. Nov 21, 2011 at 5:43 AM Final decision: This case was decided in your favor. Collapse The seller has escalated the case to eBay Customer Support. Nov 20, 2011 at 6:46 AM Collapse You have responded to the seller. Nov 20, 2011 at 5:52 AM Your message to the seller: "We received the product and it did not work at all, it was tested by a professional dive master, we sent it back to the seller and he is refusing to accept that the item did not work at all. " Collapse eBay Customer Support has opened a case for you.The seller has until Nov 28, 2011 to respond. Nov 20, 2011 at 5:49 AM Details you provided: The item doesn't match the seller's description. You have already contacted the seller through eBay Messages You paid on Nov 04, 2011 The seller has responded to you The seller isn't working with you to solve the problem You entered the phone number We will not share your phone number with the seller. The item is damaged Additional information: "We received the product and it did not work at all, it was tested by a professional dive master. We sent it back to the seller and he is refusing to accept that the item did not work at all. " You wanted: A full refund While the case was originally settled in my favor, eBay held up sending the refund and wanted more days to study the situation. Basically the seller said I should not have changed the o-rings and ultimately eBay agreed with the seller. eBay cavalierly said we should have shipped it back to the seller before changing the 0-rings. How daft can you be? How would one know if the unit worked or not if it was not tested and tested with safety adjustments made, i.e., o-ring replacements. It is interesting to note that the seller, prior to my expressed dissatisfaction, had a perfect rating score. Now most of us know how that system can be manipulated so that negative ratings disappear.
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